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Recycle PVC

Why recycle PVC?

1. PVC is well suited to recycling due to it's advanced mechanical recycling properties.

2. Large volumes of recyclable PVC waste are available.

3. Using Recycled PVC helps meet resource-efficiency targets and allows the preservation of natural resources.

4. Using recycled PVC reduces emissions and landfill.

How PVC is Recycled

PVC is ground down into a clean ‘regrind’ plastic

PVC is recycled into a plastic powder

PVC is shaped into plastic pellets for reuse

Most PVC can be recycled up to 6 or 7 times and with a product life of 100 years, recycled PVC has the potential to last up to 600 years!

  EastStar Techlology (Thailand) Co.,LTD

            บริษทั อีสทซ์ ี อินเตอร์เนชนั่ แนล (ไทยแลนด)์ จำกดั (สำนกั งำนใหญ่)

 ADD : 7/567Moo 6,Mabyangporn Sub District, Pluakdaeng District, Rayong 21140

            ที่อยู่ : 7/567 หมู ่ 6 ตํ าบลมาบยางพร อํ าเภอปลวกแดง จั งหวั ดระยอง 21140

  +66 93 9649217